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Getting the “Scoop” on Vein Disease

About half of all American adults have vein disease, according to the Society of Interventional Radiology, including varicose veins which affect half of all people over the age of 50 and up to 25 percent of Americans overall. Many people who have vein disease are undiagnosed, which means they may be at risk for serious circulatory issues that can have a major impact on health – and it also means being screened for vein disease is an important part of maintaining optimal health, especially as you get older. If you’re not sure what vein disease is, what symptoms it causes, or what kinds of treatments are available, we’ve got the answers. Read on:

Vein Disease FAQ

What causes it?

Vein disease can occur for various reasons, but most vein diseases occur when the small valves located inside veins begin to malfunction, enabling blood to flow backward and to “pool up”, creating the dark purplish appearance that’s characteristic of varicose veins and spider veins. Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is another type of vein disease that occurs when clots form in the deeper veins of the legs. Vein disease has been associated with several risk factors, including older age, being overweight, standing or sitting for long periods of time, and a family history of the disease. Women are also at greater risk.

What kinds of symptoms does vein disease cause?

In addition to their twisted, bulging appearance, varicose veins and their smaller “cousins,” spider veins, can cause itching, pain, numbness and other types of discomfort. When scratched or rubbed, the skin over varicose veins often breaks down, causing sores to develop which can increase your risk for infection. Deep vein thrombosis can result in swelling of the legs, ankles or feet.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis of vein disease begins with a personal and family medical history to look for risk factors, followed by a physical exam. In some cases, an ultrasound may also be ordered to provide additional information about your vein health and to guide treatment.

What treatments are available?

Today, there are many options for treating vein disease, including minimally-invasive options that use injections of special solutions or special laser fibers that help treat vein disease with highly-focused energy. At the Kimmel Institute, we provide vein treatment that’s customized for each patient’s needs to ensure the best possible results.

How can I tell if I have vein disease?

Varicose veins and spider veins are just two possible indicators of vein disease, but there are others. The best and only way to know for sure if you have vein disease or if you’re at risk for developing vein issues is to be screened and evaluated.

Schedule a free consultation today.

At the Kimmel Institute, we offer free consultation appointments with top Florida vein doctors so you can learn more about vein disease and have your personal vein health evaluated. With evening and weekend hours, it’s easier than ever to keep your veins healthy. Call 561-948-5560 and schedule your free evaluation today.