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Checking Yourself for DVT At Home

Worried You Have Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, has the potential to be life-threatening, underscoring the importance of seeking immediate treatment. It occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein, which is common in the lower extremities, notably the calf or thigh. And while a blood clot forming in these parts of the body may seem like no big deal, it’s what happens next that could be deadly. That’s because blood clots in your lower extremities have the potential to break away and travel to an artery in the lung, leading to a pulmonary embolism, which can be dangerous and deadly. Here’s a closer look at DVT and what you need to do if you suspect you have this medical condition.

How To Check Yourself at Home

One way to check for DVT is to administer a self evaluation. This evaluation, known as Homan’s Test, consists of laying flat on your back and extending the knee in the suspected leg. Have a friend or family member raise the extended leg to 10 degrees, then have them squeeze the calf. If there’s deep pain in the calf, it may be indicative of DVT.

Symptoms to Lookout For

There are a few telltale signs that you may have DVT, which include pain, swelling, tenderness or redness in and around the suspected area. Some other signs include leg cramps, leg pain that becomes more severe when the foot is bent and skin discoloration. If you suspect that you have DVT, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately so that vein treatments can be administered and you reduce the risk of suffering a pulmonary embolism.

Can DVT Be Treated At Home?

Unfortunately, the only way to adequately treat DVT is to seek proper medical attention. This is because an ultrasound is often required to properly diagnose the issue. If it is determined that you have DVT, medication to thin the blood is often prescribed. You may be required to take it for several months and enact some lifestyle changes in your day-to-day life to fully resolve the clot and prevent future blood clots from forming.

Precautions To Take During COVID When Scheduling an Appointment

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, if you need medical attention, you should not hesitate to seek medical attention. In the event of DVT, failure to seek medical attention could be life-threatening. The best things that you can do to stay safe during COVID include wearing a mask, frequently washing your hands and keeping a safe distance from people outside of your household that you come into contact with. Please also note that we’re frequently disinfecting surfaces and equipment at our practice and are strictly adhering to all CDC guidelines to ensure patient safety.

Contact Our Vein Doctors at The Kimmel Institute of Florida

For more information on DVT and other vein procedures carried out at The Kimmel Institute, meet our vein physicians in Florida. Serving Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and other areas in south Florida, contact us to schedule an appointment today. And while you may be seeking treatment for DVT, please know that we carry out other vein treatments and procedures as well. View before and after images of these treatments here.